Reflexology uses gentle or firm pressure on precise points of the feet, ankles or hands. The therapy works on the principal that each of these precise points corresponds to a specific organ or part of the body. The feet act as a map – the left foot maps the left side of the body and the right foot maps the right. Reflexology is a holistic treatment, working on both symptoms and causes.
Reflexology has been shown to work effectively for a wide range of conditions some but not all are mentioned below. It does not claim to treat or cure any of the below and therefore should still be used alongside conventional medicine.
• Arthritis
• Muscular-skeletal problems
• Hormonal imbalance
• Premenstrual/Menopausal
• Pregnancy
• Sleep Disorder
• Headaches
• Digestive disorders
• Circulatory problems
• Mild depression
• Sub-fertility
You don’t have to be ill to benefit from a treatment. Reflexology can work as preventative healthcare to keep illness at bay and:
• Improve well-being
• Improve the process of cleansing the body’s toxins and impurities
• Revitalise energy and balance your whole
• Reduce stress and induce deep relaxation
• Improve circulation
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