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Home » What is Ear Candling?

What is Ear Candling?

shutterstock_36402826The technique of Ear Candling has ancient origins going back to the early Egyptians, Phoenicians and Hopi Indians in North America. Though there is little recorded history, it has survived many cultural changes and stood the test of time.  The candles are made from all natural organic materials and are certified free from toxins. The patient feels a light suction action on the ear and the flame creates a gentle vibration of air in the candle. This feels like a gentle warming sensation where the environment dries out leaving less congestion.

Ear Candling is safe for children and adults.




Ear Candling can be used to help the following conditions

  • Congestion in head and ears (e.g. blocked sinuses)
  • Earache
  • Balance problems
  • Ear pressure problems e.g. after swimming and flying
  • Migraine and headaches
  • Common colds and sore throats